The gummy smile, or gingival smile, is described as the exposure of a large band of keratinized gum, more than 2 mm, during the full smile. Although the causes are multiple, the final result always consists of a high smile line that can be located several millimeters above the gumline of the upper teeth.
The gingival smile is not a pathology, but a condition of disharmony of the smile. The more gum is shown, the more disharmonious the smile appears. For many people, this creates an embarrassment, and therefore many people tend to limit the movements of the mouth when they smile.
There is a solution to solve the problem. The treatment, as well as surgical, can be performed by injections of botulinum toxin, which acts on the muscle responsible for this phenomenon, reducing its activity. Botulinum toxin is a well-known drug, and as such it must be used by qualified medical personnel. If performed by specialized and experienced doctors, the procedure is particularly effective and painless. The gummy smile treatment lasts a few minutes and is now one of the most popular treatments in the field of aesthetic medicine. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, without the need for anesthesia.
The effects tend to gradually appear over 10/15 days and with extremely natural results. Most patients manage to solve the problem with one session, with no re-touch, even if the treatment must be repeated after about 6-7 months to maintain the results.
As our Scientific Director Prof. Alessio Redaelli says in his text1 dedicated to the topic: “The beauty of a face is given by the harmony of volumes, sizes, heights that characterize that particular face, inserted in that particular body and that evoke a feeling positive for an absolutely disinterested reason. Teeth, hair, and skin contribute to the harmony of the whole“.
If you are interested and want to know more about our hands-on workshop dedicated to the perioral area, click here.
1 Redaelli A. – Aesthetic medicine for the perioral area – basic principles and clinical practice (OEO Firenze 2014)
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