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Organization of events and congresses

Medical Aesthetic has been active since 2007 at a global level in the organization of online and onsite events and congresses in the medical field, with particular attention to the field of professional trainings for aesthetic doctors and dentists

Organization of onsite events and congresses

Medical Aesthetic designs, plans and manages residential events and congresses in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Thanks to a multidisciplinary team of professionals and many years of experience, it personally takes care of all the stages of production, from logistics to accounting administration.

In detail, the services offered are:

  • selection of locations based on the type of event
  • staging
  • management of hotel reservations 
  • food and catering-bar service
  • audio service
  • photographic services
  • identification of qualified personnel (eg: hostesses, security etc …)
  • identification of sponsors and creation of personalized sponsorship packages
  • design and production of graphics and production of materials for staging
  • budget supervision and accounting administration of the event
  • reception and assistance of participants during the event

Organization of online webinars and courses

The online medical-scientific event, in the form of webinars or masterclasses, allows participants to access exclusive contents and interact directly with speakers, even if remotely.

An innovative formula that, compared to the classic residential event, limits times and optimizes costs, in full compliance with anti Covid-19 restrictions.

Starting from 2020 Medical Aesthetic offers this type of service, with theoretical-practical training courses, which allows participants to proactively assist in live treatments on the patient.

In detail, the services offered are:

  • event organization and management
  • selection and setting of videoconferencing platform
  • audio service
  • multilingual simultaneous translation
  • post-event statistics management

Furthermore, a solid know-how in the medical field allows Medical Aesthetic to support the scientific secretariat in defining an ad hoc program for each event.

For the launch of our new website, we are offering a 15% discount at checkout with the purchase of two or more courses.

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